More Isolation Observations

More isolation observations…

1/ As it went down on my husband’s Monday morning call.  Boss: “How was the weekend?”  In perfect British deadpan : “Pretty quiet.  We mostly stayed in.”

2/ US schools have a one week spring break.  UK schools have a three week spring break. Anyone want to swap lives with me now?  

3/ Try convincing kids that being a professional video gamer or YouTube star aren’t real jobs now.

4/ I, this home’s only caretaker of pretty little things, suggested we move the TV to the living room mantle.  Who am I?

5/ I don’t have a clear picture if I took my daily medication once, daily, or 17 times last week.

6/ When this is all over, party RSVPs won’t be necessary.  The answer is 100% yes and how many friends can I bring.

7/ I never used to understand why people bought those big trampolines for their backyard.  Now I know they were brilliant.

8/ Pretty soon we’ll be getting our at home working spouses a picture of their office for their desk.

9/ I’ve been doing an online cooking school which is either a great idea or me playing the martyr.

10/ How many new spaces have you found or repurposed in your house?  And how hard did you kick yourself for not doing it sooner.

11/ Remember that happy feeling you used to get when you put on your favorite pair of pajamas.  That feeling is gone.

12/ Your shopaholic friends don’t need you to call them, they need you to find something in your closet and send a care package.

13/ In my defense, I was trying to be pandemic correct.

14/ It’s a runner world’s problem, but we’re keeping in a lot of our spit.

15/ The only person who says you should be making every moment of this extra time productive is you.  So tell yourself to back off.