(The Lord's Prayer, in my own words inspired by NT Wright, Lent for Everyone: Luke, Year C)
God, who is not only mine, but Ours
Let us start by staying Wow!
We think a lot of things are amazing, but are they really in light of you?
Imagine everything being right. Heaven on earth. Peace. Just imagine. Because really – it is the plan.
[Long pause………………………………..]
While we wait, give us these three things we need:
The basics. You know we need to eat and eat often.
Clean inner fuel. Release us from the toxins that poison us and our relationships.
A secure path. Help us stay on the path of true adventure, avoiding the dead ends that may temporarily dazzle.
And thank you because the first pause helped us to remember:
That though we will need to say this all over again tomorrow;
your amazingly right plan - for then and even now – carries on.